Upside Property for two decades has successfully managed over 200 000 sqm of various real estate projects (commercial, offices, residential and mixed-use).
Galeria Jastrzębie Shopping Center in Jastrzębie Zdrój
LOCATION: Warszawska Str., Jastrzębie Zdrój
GLA 9 000 m2 No.of shopping floors 3 No.of retail units 40 Parking places 150 Opened in 2010
DH Merkury Shopping Center in Częstochowa
LOCATION: Najświętszej Marii Panny Str., Częstochowa
GLA 6 700 m2 No. of shopping floors 3 No.of retail units 4 Parking places 64 Opened in 1975
Galeria Słupsk Shopping Center in Słupsk
LOCATION: Tuwima Str., Słupsk
GLA 13 000 m2 No. of shopping floors 3 No. of retail units 65 Parking places 275 Opened in 2008
Pasaż Terespol Retail Park in Terespol
LOCATION: Wojska Polskiego Str., Terespol
GLA 1 750 m2 No. of shopping floors 1 No. of retail units 5 Parking places 86 Opened in 2014